Students will have the opportunity to offer well wishes and say their goodbyes to Rev. Michael C. McFarland, S.J., the 31st president of the College of the Holy Cross, on Saturday, Dec. 3. Fr. McFarland is stepping down after a 12-year tenure.
Students may attend one, two, or all three events:
Winter Carnival, 2-4 p.m., Hogan Ballroom. Fr. McFarland will be available to chat and take photos with students. In addition to saying goodbye to Fr. McFarland, at this year’s Winter Carnival (12 – 4 p.m.) students will have the opportunity to make photo postcards, photo snowflake ornaments and stuff their own bear. Hot chocolate will be served and you can decorate your own cookies.
Italian-themed dinner at Kimball Dining Hall, 5:30–6:30 p.m. Come dine at Kimball with Fr. McFarland. Menu includes: chicken parmesan, meatballs, Italian stir fry, Caesar salad, tossed salad, fruit, cheese and antipasto platters, tomato basil soup, Italian wedding soup, ricotta and Italian cookies, Tiramisu, ice cream and cake. Off-campus students and students without meal plans can dine at a special price of $8.
At the dinner students will have the opportunity to view a special tribute video in honor of Fr. McFarland.
Special half-time presentation during men’s basketball game vs. UNH, 7 p.m., Hart Center. At half-time, Richard Regan, director of athletics, and the Student Government Association (SGA) will present Fr. McFarland with mementoes of his time at Holy Cross. Representatives from Holy Cross varsity teams will also be in attendance.
Additionally, on Dec. 11, Fr. McFarland will preside over the Advent Mass at 7 p.m. and then serve Midnight Breakfast in Kimball Dining Hall.
Student Tribute to Father McFarland to Take Place on Dec. 3

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