It's Time for Society to Rediscover the Common Good, Says Holy Cross President Vincent Rougeau



Leading Catholic news site Crux covered a recent panel discussion featuring Holy Cross President Vincent Rougeau titled "Whatever Happened to The Common Good? Divided by COVID-19, Torn Apart by Politics, Fractured by Faith."

Hosted by the Georgetown University Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life, the hourlong discussion explored the role of Catholic social teaching in contemporary society and ways people can recover a sense of common good in times of division.

A scholar of Catholic social teaching and author of the book, "Christians in the American Empire: Faith and Citizenship in the New World Order," Rougeau argued that seeking discomfort is key to finding common ground: "If it's a parish outside of your comfort zone, go to Mass there. Spend time in communities you know little about. Organize with people whose experience is different from yours. Pray with people whose experience is different from yours."

Rougeau also highlighted the importance of rooting decisions in one's faith tradition, as a way of finding common ground: "It's important for Catholics to take a step back in a secularized, divided society and remember Catholic tradition."

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