Holy Cross Gets Out the Vote

As voter registration deadlines approach, Holy Cross pushes awareness

Voter registration deadlines across the country are quickly approaching, and Holy Cross is pushing hard to encourage students to exercise their right to vote.

A voter registration table staffed with trained student volunteers set up in the high-traffic area of Hogan 1 will run through this week, and next Wednesday, to help students register or, for those living out of state, request an absentee ballot. Complete information can be found on Holy Cross’ Voter Registration Web site.

So far, more than 230 students have registered to vote, according to Brenda Hounsell Sullivan, director of the Office of Orientation, Transition and Leadership Development. Judging by the level of interest around the table, Sullivan expects that number to increase.

Silvia Serban ’11, a French major from Portland, Maine, is serving as a volunteer and says that students have shown a big interest in voting, and are more than willing to send out absentee ballots.

“I am very happy that so many Holy Cross students care about the election and the results,” she says. “Politics will play a much bigger role in our lives when we get out into the real world, so it is important to be informed and help better our future by choosing leaders we can trust to echo our beliefs and aspirations.”

In Massachusetts, the last day to register to vote in the presidential election is Oct. 15.

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