Eco-Action, a student-run environmental group at the College of the Holy Cross, will sponsor “Trash or Treasure,” May 12-27. The “Trash or Treasure” movement encourages students to leave unwanted items, such as lamps, office supplies, clothing, and books, in designated areas in their residence halls. Rather than ending up in the trash, all unwanted belongings will be collected and redistributed to Worcester-area organizations including the Salvation Army and Plumley Village.
“Trash or Treasure” began three years ago and was inspired by similar initiatives at other colleges. Last year, the discarded items filled up over three Salvation Army trucks and other smaller vehicles. All items were donated to Worcester organizations. For the first time, the group is extending the program to seniors living off-campus. It will be providing storage pods for collecting larger items including furniture and refrigerators.
“This program has the potential to make great strides towards the College reaching carbon neutrality and sustainability goals, while helping out the Worcester community at the same time,” explains Kelly Dyer ’14, one of the organizers.
All items collected in residence halls will be transferred daily to storage areas in Loyola Hall by campus volunteers. In Loyola Hall, these donated goods will be organized for appropriate charities.
Holy Cross Environmental Group to Turn Trash into Treasure
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