"Next May I shall lay the foundation of a splendid College in Worcester…It is calculated to contain 100 boys and I shall take them for $125 per an. & supply them with everything but clothes. Will not this be a bold undertaking? Nevertheless I will try it. It will stand on a beautiful eminence & will command the view of the whole town of Worcester… " Benedict Joseph Fenwick, S.J., October 1842.
In June 1843, the cornerstone of the College of the Holy Cross was set in place by Bishop Benedict J. Fenwick, S.J., and Rev. Thomas F. Mulledy, S.J., establishing the first Catholic and first Jesuit college in New England. This June, 175 years later, the College begins the celebration of this dodransbicentennial throughout the 2018-2019 academic year.
"As we celebrate the 175th anniversary of the College, we're also celebrating our role through those 175 years as a Jesuit, Catholic institution of higher education," said Rev. Philip L. Boroughs, S.J., president of the College. "The College continues to be a vibrant place for education and growth in our students — mind, body and spirit — and will be so for many years to come."
This momentous milestone will be celebrated through a series of events during the academic year, beginning with Reunion Weekend events in early June, and continuing on through lectures, athletic events, arts performances and more. In the fall, there will be a special mass on campus on September 14 in celebration of the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross; Cardinal Seán O'Malley, O.F.M. Cap., Archbishop of Boston will celebrate and give the homily. The mass will be followed by a picnic for students, faculty and staff.
A new anniversary mark has also been designed to visually link the events of the dodransbicentennial, and will be seen across campus — from banners to publications to apparel. Read more about the development of the anniversary mark on the 175th anniversary website.
The official website of the 175th anniversary will be updated throughout the year with stories, historical facts, events on campus and other anniversary items. Learn more about how the College is celebrating the anniversary there through the year.