The Major Gift and the Vision of Reginald M. Ballantyne III '65

Reg Ballantyne '65 Alum

For Reg Ballantyne ’65, “the human connection” is more than a catch-phrase. It’s a principle by which he has steered both his personal and his professional life. It’s a description of a value system and a mindset that Ballantyne is determined to inculcate in today’s world. Ultimately, it’s one of the things that Reg hopes to pass on to future Crusaders through a recent, generous gift he has created at his alma mater.

As a former Chairman of the American Hospital Association, Senior Corporate Officer of Vanguard Health Systems and a Principal of Tenet Health, as well as his current ownership of the RMB III Consultancy based in Paradise Valley, AZ, he became a top authority in the complex world of contemporary health care and medical services. He is also a leading member of numerous national, regional and state boards of directors. Reg has spent decades advocating for the health care sector to recognize the humanity of patients, passionately calling for empathy to check and balance the growth of technology and bureaucracy. Such values and attitudes, Reg explains, were implicit in his Holy Cross education. 

I can’t imagine what my pathway would have been without the Holy Cross experience. I have always been appreciative of the first-rate education. But I’m also proud and grateful to have been part of a community dedicated to the idea that each individual is responsible for making the world a better place — a community devoted to instilling courage and compassion in every student. That’s primarily why I’ve set up this estate commitment — to make that unique Holy Cross experience available to deserving students.

Reg Ballantyne '65

“I hope this gift encourages my colleagues to think about an estate gift,” says Reg. “It’s an investment in our collective future and a statement of belief in the leaders whom Holy Cross will inspire. The College helps to create a mindset that promotes a lifetime of intellectual curiosity, develops an enlightened moral and ethical foundation and at the same time emphasizes the importance of service to others. What could be more important?” 

Reg cherishes his memories of study and scholarship on Mount St. James and intellectual discoveries “in the stacks of Dinand.” He found the academics refreshing, instructive and useful (as discovered later). He is also quick to point out that the Crusader experience has always been expansive and well-rounded.

“Living on campus provided a great deal of knowledge and information with respect to the lives and experiences of classmates. The entirety of Holy Cross, particularly on campus, certainly led to an appreciated bridge to life after graduation, and the camaraderie and excitement of playing rugby are memorable to this day.”

“An excellent academic experience is expensive. Some students will be challenged to find the funds to attend a first-rate institution like Holy Cross. Scholarships ensure that these students can attend an excellent school and have the same transformative and enriching journey which graduates experience.  That experience shapes the rest of your life. I see my gift as a legacy for the Crusaders who will follow.”

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