On Saturday, Sept. 24 from 10 a.m. – noon, Holy Cross will host a free tree giveaway with the Worcester Tree Initiative, a nonprofit organization dedicated to restoring the region’s urban trees which have been lost to insects and other forces.
Anyone interested in obtaining a tree should meet just off McKeon Road, behind the College’s softball field. Instruction will be provided on how to plant and care for the trees. As part of the event, a tree will be planted on McKeon Road.
Several types of trees will be available, including White Fir, K. Juniper, White Pine, Colorado Spruce, Serviceberry, Dogwood, Crabapple, Cherry, Hornbean, Hophornbean, Yellow wood, Honeylocust, Sweetgum, Tulip Tree, Blackgum, Pin Oak, Red Oak, Linden, Larch, Dawn Redwood, European Beech, White Fringe Tree, and Carolina Silverbell. The trees are four to six feet tall, so please plan accordingly for transportation.
Worcester Mayor Joseph O’Brien and Holy Cross President Michael McFarland, S.J., will be in attendance. Refreshments will be served.
Free Tree Giveaway at Holy Cross

College to Partner with the Worcester Tree Initiative
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