On this historic day, on behalf of the students, faculty, staff and alumni of the entire Holy Cross Community, I joyfully extend our prayers and best wishes to Pope Francis, the 266th pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church.
As he begins his spiritual leadership, we also offer prayers for the Church here in the United States and around the world in the days, months, and years ahead. We are also grateful to the 115 cardinals who were blessed by the Holy Spirit during their discernment over the past three days.
Whatever our individual faith traditions and beliefs, here at Holy Cross we are members of the Jesuit higher education community—and together we celebrate both the first member of the Society of Jesus and the first native of Latin America to lead the Church. I know you join me not only in celebrating this day, but also in reflecting on this news in your classrooms and conversations.
You will be interested in knowing that several experts from our faculty will be called upon today and in the days ahead to comment on the election of Pope Francis. Updated information is available here.
- Rev. Philip L. Boroughs, S.J., president
Fr. Boroughs on the Election of Pope Francis
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