Blog: Spadoni '16 Eager to Show You How Amazing Holy Cross Is

NAME Joey Spadoni '16

HOMETOWN Walpole, Mass.

STUDIES HE'S CONSIDERING Psychology major and deaf studies minor

WHY HE CHOSE HOLY CROSS "I fell in love with Holy Cross the first time I stepped on campus — when I was 8 years old!"

ACTIVITIES Greeter in the Admissions Office; Eucharistic minister; Grandkids at St. Mary’s through SPUD (Student Programs for Urban Development); photographer at the Crusader student newspaper; Campus Activities Board; American Sign Language Club; work study in Lower Kimball; and Cruskaters HCLC (Holy Cross Longboard Club), a new club that I am starting.

WHAT HE’S MOST LOOKING FORWARD TO "Meeting new people, making a difference at Holy Cross, and in Worcester, and taking courses that interest me."

WHY HE’S BLOGGING "I want to help high school seniors see what it is like to be a first-year student at Holy Cross. I want to help them see how amazing this college really is."

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