NAME: Emma Mussatto ’20
HOMETOWN: Shelton, Conn.
STUDIES SHE’S CONSIDER: Economics and English
WHY SHE CHOSE HOLY CROSS: “When I started looking at colleges, I knew that I wanted to go to a small liberal arts college with a strong English program. During my college search, I continuously came across Holy Cross as a college with a focus in critical reading and writing, and decided to visit. Upon visiting, I was very impressed with the atmosphere of the College. All of the students and professors seemed extremely motivated and passionate about their areas of study, which made me equally motivated to attend Holy Cross.”
ACTIVITIES: SPUD, Campus Activities Board
WHAT SHE’S MOST LOOKING FORWARD TO: “At my high school, there were few clubs and extracurricular activities in which to get involved. I am looking forward to the various opportunities and activities that Holy Cross provides both on and off campus, and I am interested in meeting new people in the process.”
WHY SHE’S BLOGGING: “Before I decided to come to Holy Cross, I stumbled across the Holy Cross blogs on the website. I was immediately interested because each blogger gave me individual insight into what daily life on the Hill was actually like. It was refreshing to understand the students’ perspectives of Holy Cross rather than just reading general information about the college. I would like to give prospective students the same opportunity that I had to personally get to know what Holy Cross is like. Additionally, I love writing and, coming into my first semester, knew that I wanted to be involved in creative writing in some way. Blogging gives me an outlet for my writing, as well.”
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- Check out our admissions and photo blogs, along with many of our other blogs at