NAME Visaury Moreta ’18
HOMETOWN Roslindale, Mass.
AREAS OF STUDY Spanish major, education studies minor, Latin American and Latino studies concentration
WHERE SHE’S STUDYING Buenos Aires, Argentina
WHY SHE CHOSE ARGENTINA “I chose to study abroad in Buenos Aires, Argentina because I want to learn more about its rich history and culture while also improving my Spanish. Although I am a native speaker I do not think speaking Spanish in Argentina will be easy, but I am excited for the challenge and to master the Argentinian accent.
I am also intrigued by the culture, the literature, and the arts. I have seen wonderful pictures that demonstrate the bright colors used in paintings and have read novels from famous Argentinian writers like Jorge Luis Borges and Julio Cortázar. Studying Latin American and Latino Studies at Holy Cross, I could not think of a better location to immerse myself in while abroad.
Ultimately, choosing Argentina was easy, it is difficult to explain, but the decision just felt right.”
WHAT SHE’S MOST LOOKING FORWARD TO “I am looking forward to meeting new people, making new friends and expanding my perspectives. I want to get involved in volunteering, visit museums, and uncover hidden gems that will teach me more about the rich history of the country.
In addition, one of the reasons I choose to go abroad is to place myself in uncomfortable situations, to challenge myself and step outside of my comfort zone, to ask questions and learn more.”
WHY SHE’S BLOGGING “I am blogging because I want to inform the Holy Cross community and those who read along of the great adventures and discoveries I make abroad. I hope to inspire others to go out of their comfort zone and explore."
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Blog: Moreta '18 Embraces Rich Argentinian Culture Abroad
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