Blog: Mackin '20 Eager to Travel Around Latin America During Semester Abroad in Peru

NAME  Johanna Mackin ‘20

HOMETOWN  Houston, Texas

AREAS OF STUDY  Political Science major, Latin American, Latinx and Caribbean Studies concentration

WHERE SHE’S STUDYING  Pontificia Universidad Catòlica del Perú in Lima, Peru

DURATION Fall 2018

WHY SHE CHOSE PERU "I chose to study abroad in Peru because it allowed me to continue studying Spanish while also exploring a whole new part of the world that I’ve never been to."

WHAT SHE’S MOST LOOKING FORWARD TO "I’m most looking forward to traveling around Peru and Latin America, seeing Machu Picchu, learning about a new culture, and trying all of the new culinary opportunities Peru has to offer (Lima is the culinary capital of South America!)."

WHY SHE’S BLOGGING "Reading the study abroad blogs has always been interesting to me. They’re part of what drew me to Holy Cross and to studying abroad while studying here. I’m really excited to take part in the blogs and hopefully offer that same inspiration to future Holy Cross students."

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