NAME Amanda Marello ’12
HOMETOWN Thornwood, N.Y.
AREAS OF STUDY English major with a Women’s and Gender Studies concentration
WHERE SHE’S STUDYING Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland
WHY SHE CHOSE IRELAND “The Visiting Writer’s Series at Holy Cross sparked my interest in Irish literature. From attending the readings by Colm Toibin and Paul Muldoon, I began to see the ways in which Ireland’s history and culture is intricately intertwined in its literature. I feel as though Trinity College would be the perfect outlet through which to best explore these connections.”
WHAT SHE’S MOST LOOKING FORWARD TO “New academic challenges and living in Ireland’s capital city, Dublin. I hope to step fully into Irish culture by exploring Ireland on breaks, learning to Irish step dance, taking Irish language classes, volunteering in Dublin, and, possibly, working in a local store or restaurant. I can’t wait to be able to say not that I traveled in Ireland, but that I lived there and truly embraced every minute of it.”
WHY SHE’S BLOGGING “In providing a personalized account of my experience of Irish culture, I hope to encourage students to look into the study abroad program at Holy Cross and furthermore, be a part of a prospective student’s decision process (because even though I’ve left it for a year, Holy Cross is truly my ‘second home’ and a place I love dearly.)”
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Blog: Holy Cross’ Visiting Writers Series Helped Marello ’12 Decide to Study in Ireland

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