'What Did I Sign Up For?': Litzy Mejia’s Story

A portrait of a young woman with hair down to her shoulders and a collared shirt smiling
Litzy Mejia '24 reflects on her time at Holy Cross before graduating later this month.

Editor's Note: On May 24, 751 members of the Holy Cross class of 2024 will walk the commencement stage. Each path to the stage is unique. As we celebrate the class, HCM asked several seniors to share their journeys in their own words. Listen and read their uncut narratives — how they got here and what they’re taking with them — as they reflect on the Holy Cross chapter of their life.

Listen to Litzy Mejia '24 read her reflection
Audio file

My name is Litzy Mejia, I am a current senior majoring in sociology with a Latin American, Latinx, and Caribbean studies concentration and a business certificate. My time on The Hill has been a wide variety of things ranging from trying out new adventures, striving through challenges and constantly making new connections.

I am a transfer student, as I originally attended CUNY City College in New York. When I first came to campus, I was a sophomore. It was my first time on campus in general since my whole freshman year I attended classes virtually due to COVID-19. I remember my first day of sophomore year was such a culture shock. Since I am originally from New York and attended a high school that had a predominantly Black and Latino student body, my first thought was, “There’s so many white people, where are the people of color? OMG, what did I sign up for?” 

A group of young people pose for a photo at night
Litzy Mejia '24 (far right) poses with friends during her first year at Holy Cross as a sophomore.

On my first day, I felt so isolated. Everyone had their friend groups and their parents accompanying them, but I did not have that luxury. I was so confused as to where everything was and at that moment I was overwhelmed and regretted my decision. Luckily, that all changed as the years passed.

Sophomore year was a rough transition as I was not introduced to the [first-year] Montserrat program, which made it difficult to assimilate into the Holy Cross culture of going to office hours and using a professor to the best of my extent. As a first-generation college student, I did not like asking for help. Even if I had lots of questions, I was always timid to ask for help because I did not want to be a burden to others; I would say that was my greatest mistake. 

If I had to give one piece of advice to incoming students, it would be to always ask when you have a question, it does not matter if it is big or small, or if you think it does not matter, I guarantee you someone has an answer to your question and a list of resources to accompany it.

As an enthusiast of exploring new experiences, I am so grateful for the many adventures Holy Cross afforded me throughout the years. From taking trips to conferences to studying abroad in Ecuador and going to West Virginia for a spring break immersion trip, Holy Cross has expanded my horizons. Meeting people from vast backgrounds throughout the years has made my time here very meaningful as well because I have made friends from all over the world. Finding friends on campus who hold the same values as me has been such a crucial part of surviving at Holy Cross. I can honestly say if it were not for my joining clubs and putting myself out there to meet new people, I would not have had such a rich experience.

I involved myself in the Black Student Union (BSU), where I’ve met so many phenomenal and dedicated people. I started as a committee member and eventually climbed my way up to E-board. I knew I wanted to be a part of the Black Student Union to promote the Black culture and cultivate an environment where students can feel comfortable to be who they are; this is especially needed because we go to a predominantly white institution. Aside from being a part of BSU, I am a Multicultural Peer Educator, a Peer Career Assistant, and a Resident Assistant. These positions allowed me to collaborate with other MSO’s and recognized student organizations to make engaging events on campus. This is how I was able to meet a wide range of people whom now call friends.