‘Last Lecture’ Series Continues with Political Science Professor

WORCESTER, Mass. – Loren Cass, of the political science department, will give a talk as part of the "Last Lecture" series on March 15 at 7:30 p.m. in Rehm Library at the College of the Holy Cross. The lecture is free and open to the public.

Funded by the Lilly Endowment Vocation Initiative, the pretext of the lecture is that the speaker is about to retire and has been asked to sum up in a final lecture to students what they believe has made the work they’ve dedicated themselves to meaningful and worthwhile. Given a "last" chance, what’s worth saying? What wisdom would be most important to pass on? What challenges have to go unfulfilled?

Loren Cass teaches courses in international relations and comparative politics with an emphasis on international political economy and comparative environmental policy. He is also a member of the Environmental Studies faculty at Holy Cross. Professor Cass received a B.A. from Augustana College (Sioux Falls, SD), an M.A. from Boston College, and a Ph.D. from Brandeis University. Cass’ research focuses on the relationship between international and domestic environmental politics.

An article authored by Cass, "The Indispensable Awkward Partner: The United Kingdom in European Climate Policy," is to be included in the Project on Environmental Change and Foreign Policy’s forthcoming volume titled Europe and Global Climate Change: Politics, Foreign Policy and Regional Cooperation. He currently has a book manuscript titled The Failures of American and European Climate Policy: International Norms, Domestic Politics, and Unachievable Commitments under review with SUNY Press.

The lecture is sponsored by the Center for Religion, Ethics and Culture.